Volunteer duty: Mid-term training
Time is running… so fast. Some of us = (long term) volunteers just passed a half of volunteering journey …
What does it mean? Mid-term training in Stockholm!

Just after we came to Sweden, we were invited to On-arrival training (Click here to read more about it), where we gained knowledge about volunteers tasks, rights, duties and also a little bit about Swedish culture. Now, after few months of being volunteers, we went again to Stockholm to reflect on our projects, personal development and stay in Sweden.
When we arrived we saw so many friendly faces! There were already few people, whom we met during On-arrival. They are also doing their volunteering projects in different places all around Sweden and it was amazing opportunity to meet them again. This time we could talk a little bit more and deeper about our projects, feelings and experiences. Of course we also had a lot of fun together!
Trainers prepared few activities that helped us to reflect on our growth during first half of our volunteering projects. Professional development, new skills, knowledge but also personal development, friendships – this is all we reached during that time. And let’s not forget about svenska språk! For sure our Swedish skills got better. Everybody knows 5 Swedish words which will help you understand Sweden and some of us kan prata pyttelite svenska.
We also met workers of Erasmus+ National Agency. Comparing to On-arrival, we had much more time to talk with them (it was only one hour long presentation during OA). We spent almost all day presenting our volunteering projects, daily tasks, our spare time and integration with Swedish society. Once more it was very interesting to get into details of other people’s projects. With this knowledge it will be easier for us to talk about variety and diversity of volunteering opportunities.
Mid-term was taking part in capital of Sweden, Stockholm. Some of us decided to use the opportunity to stay in the city for a little bit more or travel a bit more north. Which was a great idea!
We would like to say BIG THANKS to all people involved in organizing this training
and also to ALL Volunteers who made this 3 days very special! Tack!
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